For Researchers

Basic Information about ESSREP: the “ESS Student Research Experience Program” and Student Subject Pool 

Thank you for your interest in the ESS Student Subject Pool!  ESSREP (The Environmental and Social Sustainability Research Experience Program) is a subject pool designed to give social scientific researchers in SENR access to free student participants, while interested students receive a standardized amount of extra credit in exchange. Our subject pool is run online through a program called Sona Systems, where students can sign up for studies (either by receiving online links or selecting timeslots for in-person studies) and see their accumulated class credit.  A full explanation of our policies from a student's perspective can be found on our website: 

Each semester students in participating classes will be informed about the program in their class syllabus and a presentation by the lab manager. While efforts will be made to estimate and balance student availability with the number of participants needed, student allocation will occur on a simple first-come, first-served basis. So, we recommend getting your study IRB approved as early as possible to ensure you get your sample filled; please contact Ellen Eilers ( for separate IRB consent language and tips sheets for more information, or with other questions.     

Find details on the demographics of the prior semesters below:

Autumn 2024

Spring 2024

Autumn 2023

Spring 2023

Autumn 2022