ESSREP: The Environmental and Social Sustainability Research Experience Program

For students: 

The goal of ESSREP (The Environmental and Social Sustainability Research Experience Program) is to enhance student’s understanding of social scientific research methods and help apply class lessons to their lives. Either as a required component of a class's points or as a way to gain extra credit in participating classes, you can gain hands-on experience participating in research studies conducted by Faculty and Graduate Students in the Environmental and Social Sustainability (ESS) Lab in SENR. Research studies may take the form of online or in-person surveys, interviews, focus groups, or other activitites and will be related to a current research in resource management, environmental science, psychology, and rural sociology.  

  • Please see the tab to the left "Research Option" for more information on how to view and sign up for research opportunities, as well as our policies, rules, and Frequently Asked Questions:
  • If you do not wish to participate in research OR are under the age of 18, a written assignment alternative is also available. Papers will be based on approved research articles and due at set dates throughout the semester. See the tab to the left "Paper Option" for grading criteria and other information: NOTE, if you wish to select the paper option you must enroll by emailing the lab manager at by January 27, 2025.

If you have any questions about the research or paper options, or encounter difficulties with Sona systems please contact Ellen Eilers, ESS Lab Manager, at eilers.14@osu.eduYour instructors and TAs do not have access to Sona systems and will not be managing the paper option; please direct all ESSREP-related questions to the lab manager.