
Search results

  1. Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development Annual Meeting

    markets. Sessions will look at best practices from research on climate smart adaptation and mitigation, ...

  2. Evangelical Presbyterian University College, Ghana- Parent-child agriculture technology transfer

    activities. Additionally, they are currently conducting research in parent-child technology transfer in ... stories from 32 storytellers in 8 small towns. By engaging students in primary research, students will ...

  3. CFAES Graduate Students Make Their Mark at Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security

    and Chief of Staff at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). “It was the ... receive a $34,500 research grant to conduct international research for 18 months. “At the end of the ... Taiwan, her focus expanded internationally, later leading her to serve as a visiting researcher at the ...

  4. New iAGRI Student, Joyce Mwakatoga, relishes in the first few weeks at The Ohio State University

    the  Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative  (iAGRI), a Feed the Future project in Tanzania funded ... food system institutions in Tanzania through graduate degree training, collaborative research, and ...

  5. Application DEADLINE: Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Tanzania

    Application DEADLINE: Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Tanzania Please see the Summer ...

  6. iAGRI Project Awarded $4 million in funding from USAID

    The Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI) received an additional $4 million in early ... international collaborative research between faculty at Ohio State, other U.S. land-grant university partners, ...

  7. CFAES Graduate Students Expand Their Horizons in Tanzania

    Sciences traveled to Morogoro, Tanzania to conduct research with faculty and staff at the Sokoine ... International Programs in Agriculture Office (IPA) through the Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative ... to participate, first-hand, in agricultural research in developing countries. The IPA office is also ...

  8. OSU-ACET Index Insurance Program

    Transformation (ACET), in collaboration with the University of Ghana, will undertake a program of research ... thus become the focus of current and planned GAIP activities. The OSU/ACET research program, begun in ...

  9. ESGP Ph.D. Student Selected to Attend Global Food Security Symposium

    research universities who plan to enter the agriculture, development, or food sectors. It will allow him to ... Healthcare Research Manager, IBM.   Nall expects this event to be a valuable networking opportunity and yield ... contributing what I have learned to my own graduate research I am doing right here at Ohio State,” shares Nall, ...

  10. International Conference on Climate Change and Multi-Dimensional Sustainability in African Agriculture

    Research Initiative (iAGRI), and convened by the Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania and The Ohio ...
