


Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making

The Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making usually has submission deadlines in June, and the conference is usually held in November. 

Description: The Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) is an interdisciplinary academic organization dedicated to the study of normative, descriptive, and prescriptive theories of judgments and decisions. Its members include psychologists, economists, organizational researchers, decision analysts, and other decision researchers. The Society's primary event is its Annual Meeting at which Society members present their research.

Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference (BECC)

The Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference (BECC) is usually held in November or December. 

Description: BECC is one of the premier events focused on understanding individual and organizational behavior and decision-making related to energy usage, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, and sustainability.  The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) is one of the organizations that convene the conference, and they are a widely-respected organization in the field of energy policy. ACEEE collaborates with the Stanford Precourt Energy Efficiency Center (PEEC) and the California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE) to organize the yearly conference. 

The scholarship program can help students with the cost of attending. Specifically, PEEC sponsors the Precourt Fellows program which provides partial registration scholarships to encourage students to participate in BECC. The fellowship is awarded through a competitive application process. Selected Student Fellows receive a registration fee grant of $375 each; the student is expected to pay the remaining $100 (no travel or expense funds are available through this program). To qualify, you must be a current student at the time of application, be engaged in studies or research related to the conference topics, and intend to use and share what you learn from the conference.

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