Professional Associations
- AAAS - (there is also a fellows listserve)
- American Anthropological Association Sections: Culture and Angriculture, Anthropology and Environment
- American Psychology Association - Society for Population, Environmental, and Conservation Psychology (Division 34)
- American Sociological Association - Environment Technology and Society Section
- Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences
- Conservation Biology - Social Science Working Group
- DISsertations initiative for the advancement of Climate Change ReSearch - DISCCRS (there is a participant listserve spanning several years)
- International Association for Society and Natural Resources
- National Association of University Forest Resources Programs
- National Council for Science and the Environment
- Rural Sociological Society
- Society for Risk Analysis - Risk Communication Specialty Group
- The Wildlife Society Human Dimensions Working Group
- Academic Job Hunting Tips and Advice (DISCCRS)
- Graduate Student's Guide to Necessary Skills for Nonacademic Conservation Careers
- Postdoctorates: another stage in the sociology pipeline (ASA)
Chronicle of Higher Education job board