Dr. Sayeed Mehmood

Sayeed Mehmood
Associate Professor
Natural Resources Economics
469C Kottman Hall

Curriculum Vitae



Dr. Sayeed Mehmood is an Associate Professor of Natural Resources Economics in Ohio State’s School of Environment and Natural Resources. He moved to Ohio State in July 2017 from the University of Arkansas at Monticello. Dr. Mehmood received his Ph.D. from Auburn University in Forest Economics and Policy, his M.S. in Forest Economics from the University of Maine and his B.S. from the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. In his work he seeks to apply economic and other social science theories to explain human behavior as it relates to natural resources and the environment.

Research Interests

All natural resource/environmental management and policy decisions have important economic implications. The society imposes competing demands on our natural resources that are often in conflict with each other. People’s perceptions and attitudes about natural resources, their management and associated environmental consequences vary widely. On the other hand, natural resource professionals are required to implement management and policy decisions with increasingly scarce resources. Economics provides us with a tool to try and make sense of these rather confusing, sometimes contentious, but always interesting aspects of human behavior. In my research, I am interested in applying economic and other social science theories to explain human behavior as it relates to natural resources and the environment. Specifically, my recent research interests have included the following:

  • Econometric models of private forest landowner behavior.
  • Application of individual-based modeling in natural resources.
  • Economic impacts of ecosystem restoration projects.
  • Regional economic analysis of natural resource sectors.
  • Biomass energy and associated policy issues.
  • Political economy of natural resource and environmental policies.
  • Sustainable natural resource-based economic development.
  • Social and community forestry.


Selected Publications

Shrestha, A. and S.R. Mehmood. 2018. Economic Impacts of the Shortleaf-Bluestem Community Restoration Project. Journal of Forestry 116(6): 505-512.

Henderson, J., T. Adams, T., O. Joshi, S. Tanger, L. Boby, W. Hubbard, C. Becker, R. Cantrell, J. Daystar, D. Hughes, B. Jackson, E. McConnell, S. Mehmood, W. Miller, J. Nowak, P. Tappe, and M. Pelkki. 2016. Standard Procedures and Methods for Economic Impact and Contribution Analysis in the Forest Products Sector. Journal of Forestry  115(2): 12-116.

G.C., Shivan and S.R. Mehmood. 2012. Determinants of Nonindustrial Private Forest Landowners Willingness to Accept Price Offers for Woody Biomass. Forest Policy and Economics 25(2012): 47-55.

Joshi, Omkar and S.R. Mehmood. 2011. Factors Affecting Nonindustrial Private Forest Landowners’ Willingness to Supply Woody Biomass for Bioenergy. Biomass and Bioenergy 35 (2011): 186-192.

G.C., Shivan and S. R. Mehmood. 2010. Factors Influencing Nonindustrial Private Forest Landowners’ Policy Preference for Promoting Bioenergy. Forest Policy and Economics. 12 (2010): 581-588.

Joshi, Omkar and S.R. Mehmood. 2010. Segmenting Nonindustrial Private Forest Landowners in the South Based on their Management Objectives and Motivations for Wood-based Bioenergy. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry. 35(2):87-92.

G.C., Surendra and S.R. Mehmood. 2008. Segmenting Landowners Based on Their Information Seeking Behavior: a Look at Landowner Education on the Red Oak Borer. Journal of Forestry. 107(6): 313-319.

Mehmood, S.R., and D. Zhang. 2005. Determinants of Forest Landowner Participation in the Endangered Species Act Safe Harbor Program. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 10(4): 249-257.

Dahal, P, and S.R. Mehmood. 2005. Determinants of Timber Bid Prices in Arkansas. Forest Products Journal. 55(12): 89-94.

Mehmood, S.R., D. Zhang, and J. Armstrong. 2003. Factors Associated with Declining Hunting License Sales in Alabama. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 8:243-262.

Mehmood, S.R. and D. Zhang. 2002. Causes for Continuation of State Cost-share Programs for Non-industrial Private Forest Landowners. For. Sci. 48(3): 471-478.

Zhang, D. and S.R. Mehmood. 2002. Safe Harbor for the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker: Private Forest Landowners Share their Views. J. For. 100(5): 24-29.

Mehmood, S.R. and D. Zhang. 2001. Forest Parcelization in the United States: A Study of Contributing Factors. J. For. 99(4): 30-4.

Mehmood, S.R. and D. Zhang. 2001. A Roll-call Analysis of Endangered Species Act Amendments. Amer. J. Agricul. Econ. 83(3): 501-512.