- Rural Sociology
- Sociology of Agriculture and Food Systems
- Rural-Urban Interface
- Local Foods
- ENR 2500 Introduction to Sustainability (Spring semesters)
- ENR 3500 Community, Environment and Development (occasional offerings)
- RURLSOC 1500 Introduction to Rural Sociology (occasional offerings)
Schupp, Justin L., Rebecca L. Som Castellano, Jeff S. Sharp and Molly Bean. 2015. Exploring Barriers to Home Gardening in Ohio Households. Local Environment
Clark, Jill K., Shoshanah Inwood and Jeff S. Sharp. Forthcoming. “The Social Sustainability of Family Farms in Local Food Systems: Issues and Policy Questions.” In From Farm-to-Fork: Growing Sustainable Food Systems for the 21st Century. Akron, OH: University of Akron.
Sharp, Jeff S. and Dani Deemer. 2014. “Confined Animal Feeding Operations and Animal Welfare” Pp. 121-137 in Rural America in a Globalizing World: Problems and Prospects for the 2010s. Edited by Conner Bailey, Leif Jensen and Elizabeth Ransom. West Virginia Press.
Sharp, Jeff and Rebecca L. Som Castellano. 2013. “Home Gardening.” In The Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, edited by Paul B. Thompson and David M. Kaplan, Springer Press.
Linda Lobao and Jeff S. Sharp. 2013. “Agriculture and Rural Development.” Pp. 115-138 in Handbook of Rural Development. Edited by Gary Paul Green. Cheltenham UK and Northhamption, MA: Edward Elgar.
Sharp, Jeff S. and Jill K. Clark. 2013. “Settling at the Margins: Exurbia and Community Sociology” Pp. 25-41 in Contemporary Theories of Community Development. Edited by Mark Brennan, Jeffrey Bridger and Theodore R. Alter. Routledge/Taylor and Francis.
Inwood, Shoshanah M. and Jeff S. Sharp. 2012. Farm persistence and adaptation at the rural-urban interface: Succession and farm adjustment. Journal of Rural Studies 28(1):107-117.
Schupp, Justin and Jeff S. Sharp. 2012. Social Basis of Home Gardening. Agriculture and Human Values 29(1):93-105.
Clark, Jill K., Shoshanah Inwood and Jeff S. Sharp. 2012. Local food systems: The birth of new farmers and the demise of the family farm. In, Local Food Systems in Old Industrial Regions: Concepts, Spatial Context, and Local Practices. Edited by Neil Reid, Jay D. Gatrell and Paula S. Ross. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing. Pp. 131-145.
Sharp, Jeff S., Doug Jackson-Smith and Leah Smith. 2011. Agricultural economic development at the rural-urban interface: Community organization, policy and agricultural change. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 1(4):189-204.
Smith, Molly Bean and Jeff S. Sharp. 2011. Profiling alternative food system supporters: The personal and social basis of local and organic food support. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 26(3):243-254.
Adua, Lazarus and Jeff S. Sharp. 2011. Explaining residential energy consumption: A focus on location and race differences in natural gas use. Journal of Rural Social Sciences 26(1):107-141.
Sharp, Jeff S, Jill K. Clark, Gregory A. Davis, Molly Bean Smith, Jefferson S. McCutcheon. 2011. Adapting community and economic development tools to the study of local foods: The case of Knox County, OH. Journal of Extension.
Clark, Jill K, Shoshanah Inwood and Jeff S. Sharp. 2011. Scaling-up Connections between Regional Ohio Specialty Crop Producers and Local Markets: Distribution as the Missing Link. Columbus, OH: Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics.
Adua, Lazarus and Jeff S. Sharp. 2010. Examining survey participation and data quality: The significance of topic salience and incentives. Survey Methodology 36(1):95-109.
Clark, Jill K., Shoshanah Inwood, Jeff S. Sharp, Douglas Jackson-Smith. 2010. Community-level influences on agricultural trajectories: Seven cases across the exurban U.S. In Geographical Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Change. Edited by Dick G. Winchell, Doug Ramsey, Rhonda Koster, and Guy M. Robinson. Brandon University Rural
Inwood, Shoshanah M., Jeff S. Sharp, Deb Stinner, and Richard Moore. 2009. Restaurants, chefs and local foods: Insights drawn from application of a diffusion of innovation framework. Agriculture and Human Values 26(3):177-191.
Sharp, Jeff S. and Lazarus Adua. 2009. The social basis of agro-environmental concern: Physical versus social proximity. Rural Sociology 74(1):56-85.
Jackson-Smith, Douglas and Jeff Sharp. 2008. Farming in the urban shadow: Designing strategies to support agriculture at the rural-urban interface. Rural Realities. The Quarterly Information Series of the Rural Sociological Society Volume 2, Issue 4.
Sharp, J.S. and Clark, J.K. 2008. Between the country and the concrete: Rediscovering the rural-urban fringe. City & Community 7(1):61-79.