Alia Dietsch

Alia Dietsch
Assistant Professor
Parks, Protected Areas, Natural Resources Management
367A Kottman Hall


Curriculum Vitae



My research primarily focuses on applying social science theories and methodologies to 1) conservation decision-making and 2) natural resource, parks and protected area management. The majority of my work to-date has been closely aligned with state and federal natural resource agencies in the interest of informing planning, management and communication efforts.

In particular, I employ a social psychological approach to understand the influence of human cognition on individual behaviors across various contexts. A few example research questions I have investigated include: how does human thought affect public support (or lack thereof) for management actions? How does demographic shift affect the composition of values across time and space, and what can that tell us about the future of conservation decision-making? Increasingly, I am using multilevel/hierarchical modeling to explore both individual-level and group-level dynamics inherent to a world of complexity.

Specific research interests include:

  • Human cognition (e.g., values, attitudes) and behavior
  • Urbanization and demographic change
  • Public trust in governing authorities
  • Climate change
  • Human-wildlife conflict, particularly carnivores
  • Noncompliance
  • Methods (e.g., multilevel modeling, survey/sampling, geospatial)
  • Exotic pet ownership

Links to associated lab or research web sites


ENR 5640 – Natural Resources Planning


Dietsch, A.M., Manfredo, M.J., and Teel, T.L. 2014, accepted. Wildlife value orientations as an approach to understanding the social context of human-wildlife conflict. Book chapter for an edited volume entitled 'Human-Wildlife Conflict: An Interdisciplinary Approach'.

Gigliotti, L.M., and Dietsch, A.M. 2014. Does age matter? The influence of age on response rates in a mixed-mode survey. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 19(3), 280-297.

Dietsch, A.M., Gavin, M.C., and Teel, T.L. 2014. Towards an adaptive management approach to noncompliance in National Park Service units. Natural Resource Report NPS/NRPC/BRMD/NRR—2014. Fort Collins, CO: National Park Service.

Dietsch, A.M., Teel, T.L., Don Carlos, A.W., and Manfredo, M.J. 2014. Human dimensions of wildlife conservation: an overview. In Sustainable Forest Management for Multiple Values: a paradigm shift. Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, India.

Don Carlos, A.W., Teel, T.L., Dietsch, A.M., Bright, A.D. and Manfredo, M.J. 2014. Social dynamics of human-wildlife conflict: case studies of managing conflict with carnivores in human-dominated landscapes of North America.  In Sustainable Forest Management for Multiple Values: a paradigm shift. Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, India.

Teel, T.L., Dietsch, A.M., and Manfredo, M.J. 2014. A social psychological approach in conservation. White paper developed for participants involved in a social science workshop at the 2014 North American Congress for Conservation Biology.

Dietsch, A.M., Don Carlos, A.W., Teel, T.L., Ross-Winslow, D.J., Bonnell, M.A., and Breck, S.W. 2013. Results summary report from the research project entitled “Denver Metropolitan Area Regional Coyote Management Inventory.” Fort Collins, CO: CSU, Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources.

Sexton, N.R., Leong, K.M., Milley, B.J., Clarke, M.M., Teel, T.L., Chase, M.A., and Dietsch, A.M. 2013. The state of human dimensions capacity for natural resource management: Needs, knowledge and resources. The George Wright Forum, 30(2), 142-153.

Dietsch, A.M., Sexton, N.R., Koontz, L., and Conk, S.J. 2013. National wildlife refuge visitor survey: Individual refuge results. U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 754. Available from (total of 25 reports).

Don Carlos, A.W., Dietsch, A.M., Teel, T.L., Ross-Winslow, D.J., Bonnell, M.A., and Breck, S.W. 2013. Report for Adams County, Colorado from the research project entitled “Reducing Coyote Conflict in Adams County: Coyote Behavior and Human Dimensions Research.” Project Report for the Adams County Open Space Grants Program, Adams County, Colorado. Fort Collins, CO: CSU, Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources.

Dietsch, A.M., Teel, T.L., Manfredo, M.J., and Chase, L. 2012. State report for Arizona from the research project entitled “Understanding People in Places.” Project Report for the Arizona Game and Fish Department. Fort Collins, CO: CSU, Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources.

Sexton, N.R., Dietsch, A.M., Don Carlos, A.W., Koontz, L., Solomon, A.N., and Miller, H.M. 2012. National wildlife refuge visitor survey: Individual refuge results. USGS Data Series 643. Available from (total of 53 reports).

Sexton, N.R., Dietsch, A.M., Don Carlos, A.W., Miller, H.M., Koontz, L., and Solomon, A.N. 2012. National wildlife refuge visitor survey: 2010-2011 national-level results. USGS Data Series 685. Available from

Dietsch, A.M., Teel, T.L., Manfredo, M.J., and Gigliotti, L.M. 2011. State report for South Dakota from the research project entitled “Understanding People in Places.” Project Report for the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks. Fort Collins, CO: CSU, Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources.

Dietsch, A.M., Teel, T.L., Manfredo, M.J., Jonker, S.A., and Pozzanghera, S. 2011. State report for Washington from the research project entitled “Understanding People in Places.” Project Report for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Fort Collins, CO: CSU, Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources.

Sexton, N.R., Miller, H.M., and Dietsch, A.M. 2011. Appropriate uses and considerations for online surveying in human dimensions research. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 16(3), 154-163.

Gigliotti, L.M., Teel, T.L., and Dietsch, A.M. 2009. Black Hills residents’ attitudes towards place and wildlife: Preview of selected results. Report ID#: HD-9-09.AMS. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks. Pierre, SD.